All Courses, Internal Medicine, Covid-19, Emergency Medicine
Oxygen Therapy in Covid-19
CourseThis micro-lesson aims to improve clinical management of COVID-19 patients, we particularly focus on different available oxygen delivery modalities. CPD point has been allocated.
All Courses, Internal Medicine, Covid-19, Emergency Medicine
Hypertension in Covid-19
CourseDuring the COVID-19 crisis, hypertensive patients need the highest attention in order to protect them from cardiovascular risks that comes with Hypertension. This micro-lesson will explore the relationship between 1 CPD point has been allocated.
All Courses, Infectious Diseases, HIV Medicine, Covid-19
Covid-19: HIV & Immunosuppression
CourseThe micro-lesson covers risk factors of COVID-19, deaths in people living with HIV and impact on HIV associated co-morbidities. 1 CPD point has been allocated.
All Courses, Internal Medicine, Covid-19
Covid-19 and Diabetes Mellitus
CourseThere is a bidirectional relationship between covid-19 and diabetes. This micro-lesson will discuss presentation of DM in Covid-19 from diagnosis, Treatment, monitoring and rehabilitation. 2 CPD point has been allocated.
All Courses, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Covid-19
Maternal and Perinatal Care During COVID 19
CourseThe micro-lesson will explore latest evidence on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the care for pregnant women, perinatal outcomes and newborns. 1 CPD point has been allocated.