What's Included?

A library of guidelines, articles, tools and lectures aligned to the 27 Entrustable Professional Activities (EAPs) for the Diploma in HIV Management.

    1. About This Resource Library

    1. PrEP Guidelines Update 12 Nov 2021 Final

    2. Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Guidelines_Final_2021

    3. SA Guidelines on PrEP

    4. PEP_OccupationalANDNon-occupational_2021

    5. Safe Pregnancy in HIV

    6. Primary Healthcare Ch11 HIV and AIDs and supporting NEMLC report_2020

    7. Primary Healthcare STGs and EML 7th edition - 2020-v2.0

    8. Emergency management of a rape case SAFPJ

    9. South Africa National Sexual Assault Policy - 2005 scanned

    10. Guidelines PrEP MSM risk for HIV infection (June 2012)

    1. HIV Testing Services Policy_2016

    2. Hospital Level (Adult) 2019_v2.0

    3. Adherence Guidelines SOPs March20 revision FINAL NDOH web

    4. 2019 ART Guideline 28042020

    5. Final-HIVSS-guidelines-May-2018

    6. Approach to ill immune-compromised patient overview

    7. Immunology _ HIV Summary M Muller

    1. SAHCS clinical statement_TLD switching_20220513

    2. EARNEST

    3. POSTER Switching Stable Clients on First and Second Line PRINT 14062021 (1)-4

    4. 20211022_Low level viraemia slide deck ACCl

    5. ACC Algorithm Booklet PRINT_


    7. Low level viremia

    8. HIV Virology Dr Muller 2017

    1. PaedChp 23_Adolesc_June 2022-edited_final

    2. PaedChp 9_HIV_final - September 2021

    3. Paediatric hospital level stgs and eml_4th ed 2017

    4. PaedDosingChart_2022_Final_25112022

    5. LPVr pellets video

    1. DoH_ART_ChildrenPoster2019_Final

    2. LPVr Oral Pellets Training Deck Final_2021

    3. LPVr Oral Pellets Job Aid Final_2021

    4. Advanced Clinic 26 March 2021 with NADIA Dr Levin

Add-On to the HIV Diploma Preparatory Program

  • 160 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content
  • Guidelines
  • Lectures
  • Job Aids


Dr Lesego Mawela

HIV Clinician & Patient Safety Advocate

Dr Lesego Mawela is a facilitator, entrepreneur and medical doctor with over 18 years experience implementing public health interventions having provided professional services to National Department of Health, World Health Organisation, UNAIDS, ICAP, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Right to Care, ANOVA and more. He completed post graduate studies in HIV management and Tropical Medicine. He has a passion for training and mentorship, and is the founder of Dr Mawela Health Solutions: www.doctormawela.com